Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Eye of the Whale is Officially Launched 
at the Bethesda Library!

The book party at the Bethesda Library on Saturday, June 1, was a wonderful celebration. I showed slides as I shared the journey of creating The Eye of the Whale from interviewing members of the rescue team to the final illustrations and at the end of the program, we unfurled a 23-foot long baby blue whale mural. I had also painted and erected a life-size humpback whale's tail on one wall (18 feet across!) and exhibited six paintings from the book on easels around the room.

After the presentation, the children created a beautiful underwater mural, as well as their own pictures of whales and fish to take home. I enjoyed signing 81 of my books that were sold by The Friends of the Library.

The best part of the afternoon was meeting many new friends and seeing old friends who came to support me and the book. Thank you to everyone who took the time from their Saturday afternoon to come by. It meant the world to me. I'm so excited that the story is reaching more and more people!

The creators of the mural include: Herman M, Rachel C, Fiorella T, Maristella T, Sufyana J, Payton Cillay, Sandhya Jain, Sean Cushing and Carla Morales.

Thanks to Susan Stockdale, Lulu Delacre and Karen Leggett for the photos!